CBD Hash Plant is a medicinal stain that is almost completely indica. It was bred in conjunction with CBD Crew and has a THC:CBDV ratio of 1:1 at 6% of each of these cannabinoids.
CBD Hash Plant is a fast-flowering marijuana strain that finishes in 7 weeks indoors or during the month of September when grown outdoors in northern latitudes. Due to its indica genetics it remains a short to medium plant which is very relaxing with medicinal properties thanks to the high levels of CBD. The buds are tight and dense, covered in sticky resin and with marked fruity terpenes.
It has quite a sedative effect and with the added CBD boost it is helpful to treat the symptoms of arthritis, cancer treatments, fibromyalgia, inflammation, insomnia, muscle spasms, nausea, pain, Parkinson’s Disease, spasticity, spinal cord injuries and Tourette’s Syndrome.